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Registration for Online Consultation 2025 網上入學諮詢預約


Are you confused about your future academic path? Are you unsure about choosing the right profession for yourself?


Make an appointment for a “1-on-1 Online Consultation” at HKU SPACE CC. Our lecturers or counsellors are here to provide guidance and advice online, helping you understand the characteristics and prospects of different courses and assisting you in planning your academic journey more effectively.


Points to note:

(1) It will be on a first-come, first-served basis with limited sessions.

(2) Please make an appointment at least 2 weeks in advance. (e.g. To reserve a session on 24 Feb 2025, please register on or before 10 Feb 2025)

(3) A confirmation email will be sent to you within a week after we receive your registration.


If you have any questions, please call 3416 6338 or email us at







(1) 名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。

(2) 請同學於星期前報名。(例如同學如欲於224日進行網上入學諮詢, 須在210日或之前遞交表格)

(3) 學院收到同學的申請後,會在一星期內發出確認電郵。


如有任何查詢,請致電3416 6338 或電郵至

Types of consultation 諮詢種類*
Interested Programme 諮詢課程*

Date and Time to be reserved  預約諮詢日期及時間


Please make an appointment 2 weeks in advance.
(e.g. To reserve a session on 24 Feb 2025, please register on or before 10 Feb 2025)

Sessions are available from 10:00 AM to 5:30 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding Public Holidays. Each session will last for 30 minutes. Please choose 2 preferred time slots. We will confirm your appointment via email.


(例如:同學希望於2月24日進行網上入學諮詢, 須在2月10日或之前遞交表格)

同學可預約星期一至五上午10時至下午5時30分進行諮詢,公眾假期除外,每節30分鐘。 請選擇兩個時段。學院會再作出安排,並以電郵通知。

Preferred Time (1) 諮詢時間 (1)*
Preferred Time (2) 諮詢時間 (2)*
Consultation Platform 諮詢平台*

Your Questions 填寫問題


You may raise your question(s) here for the lecturers or counsellors to prepare in advance.


Statement on Collection of Personal Data 收集個人資料聲明

  1. It is necessary for applicants to supply their personal data and to provide all the information requested in the application form, as otherwise the College may be unable to process and consider their applications.
  2. The personal data provided in this form will be used for processing your application for online consultation purposes. The data will be solely handled by the HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education ("HKU SPACE") staff but may be transferred to an authorised third party providing services to HKU SPACE in relation to the above purposes and prescribed purposes as allowed by the law from time to time.
  3. When the processing and consideration of all the applications for the online consultation have been completed, the personal information will be destroyed after 6 months. The personal information will be handled by HKU SPACE staff or by staff of an authorised third party providing services to HKU SPACE in relation to the stated purposes. In such circumstances, please be assured that any personal information you supply will be kept strictly confidential.
  4. The Colleges will send urgent messages to students via Short Message Services (SMS) and supplement by other means such as email and telephone call (if the need arises). It is therefore important that the mobile phone number and email address that the applicant provides are accurate. Any change should be reported to the Admissions Office immediately. Those who have genuine difficulty in receiving urgent messages via SMS should contact the Admissions Office for separate arrangements.

  1. 申請人必須提供其個人資料及諮詢申請所需資料,否則本學院將不能有效處理其申請。
  2. 在法律許可情況下,個人資料將會作網上諮詢用途。只有香港大學專業進修學院職員才能處理有關資料,但亦可能會轉移到為學院/書院提供有關服務的委託人處理。
  3. 完成網上諮詢後,其個人資料將於6個月後被銷毀,只有香港大學專業進修學院職員或為學院提供有關服務的委託人才能處理有關檔案,而 閣下提供的所有個人資料將絕對保密。
  4. 在緊急情況下,學院/書院將向學生發放電話短訊,或在有需要時附以其他方式,如電子郵件及電話聯繫,以作通知。請準確填寫有關資料以便聯絡。如有任何更改,請儘快向學院/書院提出更新,如 閣下對接收電話短訊通知遇有困難,請聯絡學院/書院入學事務處,以便作適當安排。

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